Cisco XRv has been released

Many of you have probably heard of Cisco VIRL or what is now called Cisco Modeling
Labs (CML). CML is due for release later this year and is supposed to include
support for IOS, IOS XE, NXOS and IOS XR.
Last year Cisco released the Cloud Services Router (CSR1000v) which is a virtual
router running IOS XE.
Now Cisco has released the XRv which is a virtual router running IOS XR. This is
great news for anyone that wants to learn IOS XR or to test changes and to try
different concepts on IOS XR.
The VM can be run on ESXi or KVM/QEMU which gives flexibility. The installation
guide is located here.

Every VM needs 3GB of RAM to start but when it’s running it seems to only use 1GB
and has a very low CPU usage.
At this moment the download is restricted but Cisco is working on moving the restriction.
Expect this to be solved this coming week. XRv will be available in three packages.
There is restriction on 2 Mbit BW which should not be an issue for labbing purposes.
The initial release has some nasty bugs. So make sure to not use more than one CPU.
To be able to run the image the server must meet the following requirements.
The complete list of release notes are here.
After you have deployed the VM, which can be done with OVF template or by creating
a VM and using VMDK, don’t forget to create a serial interface and tie this to the
network or you will not be able to see any output from the VM. This is described
in the release notes.
Cisco also provides a free workbook with some basic concepts for IOS XR which can be
found here.
I would also recommend this also free IOS XR workbook by Jeffrey Fry. It’s a great
contribution to the community and it can be found here.
Have fun learning IOS XR!

Source : 

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